Saturday, October 5, 2013


Look, There are plenty of people out there that are putting headlines up asking quite simply, "What is ARod trying to accomplish?" Well... let's just say that I get what Alex is doing. I get it loud and I get it clear and I want to see how this thing plays out...I'm all in.

This appears to be a life lesson of the largest magnitude...ever.  Let me back track though and explain that I am not a believer in cheating and I hate the idea of disgracing this great game.  Cheating is wrong, we can all agree on that. Alex Rodriguez is an admitted cheater... at least 1 time.  We know that from the interview he did with Peter Gammons on ESPN a while back.

We also know that when ARod claimed he used, there was no "hardcore" policy in place.  So, the guy skated, like many others did. And now, with the Biogenesis stuff taking center stage and Bud Selig acting like he's doing the noble thing by cleaning up the sport "really, really good" after he ignored it in the 90's... well, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth and I need to tell you... I like what Alex is doing. It's payback.

Alex is suing Bud Selig and Major League Baseball for, what USA Today writes is "'tortious interference' in an effort to force him from the sport and potentially cost him tens of millions of dollars."  Now you can look at that and think, "What a Son of a Bitch, what a greedy bastard!" No... I look at that and think, "You ever been picked on so much, attacked viciously by hundreds of thousands of people because they perceive you as a certain way, yet, they still want your autograph?" In other words, Alex Rodriguez is about to make a statement much like Bud Selig was attempting to make.  The difference? Alex has millions and will fight to clear his name and prove to baseball that they can't jump on the "I hate ARod" bandwagon without hard evidence.

Now, you know ARod's card was in the trash in my house a earlier this year.  I kindly asked my kid to keep that card in his sock drawer, purgatory, until we know for sure if Alex was guilty this time around.  It's a tough thing to teach a kid, and when adults can't get their act together and legal teams are involved, it only complicates things.  I said to my son, "Forget ARod right now, go to school, play baseball, just don't worry about it. You do you and let him deal with his own fate and then we'll talk."  He's forgotten about it and life goes on for him. I'm happy about that.

But back to ARod for a second. It's time to get his.  There is no question that Bud Selig wanted 1 fish, 1 big fish that will be the symbol for "fixing MLB".  Selig's thinking was ARod is the biggest name in baseball... AND he's a lightening rod. Perfect, right? Let the blame fall on Alex Rodriguez.  Let Alex get the largest suspension... and then everyone will see that baseball cannot be damaged, because Sheriff Selig is in town.   Well, let's just say there are corrupt Sheriffs too and while Selig may not be calling every shot in this "steroid roundup", he is the top and when blame falls, it goes both ways. What I mean is, if Alex feels like he's being blamed or attacked more or harder than the others, he could easily surround himself with the best lawyers and dump the most money into this lawsuit.  At this point, what does Alex have to lose? People already hate him. People already think he's a 2nd time cheater, so he's going hard and strong and if he's going to get attacked, he's going to also do the attacking.

So I ask you again... Have you ever been picked on so much, attacked viciously by hundreds of thousands of people because they perceive you as a certain way?" Sooner or later, there are 2 things you can do... you disappear tarnished, damaged and humiliated... or you fight, because you can't take it anymore and you realize that you'll had enough.  Well... Alex has had enough, and much like Bud is attempting to make him the example... Alex is damn sure going to make Bud one as well.

As predicted here on BYB... Selig is a fraud and while the world hates Alex Rodriguez, take a moment and pretend you're get piled on as much as he.  What would you do if you were him? I know what I'd do... Selig is in for a fight, no doubt about it.

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